By Super User on Saturday, 01 September 2012
Category: News

International Newsletter September 2012

Dear friends,

Polish Woodstock is one of the largest secular festivals in Europe with over 700,000 wild, out of control people in attendance. Everywhere you go, you see young people passed out on the roads from drunkenness and drugs. People die every year.

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No Longer Music and a Steiger team of missionaries and students from our Radical Missions School (led by Steiger missionary Filip Pasek) were there this year.
NLM was able to proclaim Jesus in the bikers village, where more than 2,000 bikers camp. Many responded to the Gospel that night!
The next night, we were given the opportunity to perform on another large venue in the center of the festival. The director of the festival officially endorsed our concert. This was truly a miracle because we weren’t scheduled to play on this stage and were given the opportunity at the last minute. Before coming we had prayed that God would open up a major door for us to share the Gospel at Woodstock - God answers prayer!

Several thousand people watched our show and literally hundreds came forward to receive Jesus into their lives! It was incredible. This experience reminded me, once again, of the awesome power of prayer.
Our Steiger team prayed for hours with those who responded each night. It was really an astounding time at Polish Woodstock.
Go to to see a summary video of this concert.

In total we did 15 concerts in 11 cities over 18 days in Poland. Thousands had the opportunity to hear the Gospel and many responded. In a prison we saw 60 prisoners respond publicly in

front of hundreds of other prisoners watching. It was an amazing time.

Thank you for your prayers and support that made it possible.

David Pierce
No Longer Music
Steiger International

Other News


I will be traveling to Lebanon again in early September and will be meeting with some key leaders, speaking at a couple of churches and doing a few TV interviews. This is an important trip as we continue to work towards a long-term Steiger presence in the Middle East reaching the influential “globalized Muslim youth” demographic for Jesus.

Tensions have increased in Beirut in the last few weeks because of the conflict in Syria and some Arab countries have told their citizens to leave Lebanon because of recent kidnappings and fear that the conflict might be spreading into Lebanon.
Pray that God keeps peace in Lebanon and Jesus goes before me. Who knows how long it will be possible to travel in this part of the world and preach the gospel in this way.

David Pierce

NLM Alegorica

Alegorica (NLM Brazil) just finished a tour of Germany, Finland and Russia.
Alegorica is an example of the multiplication of No Longer Music and our vision to challenge and equip other Christian artists and musicians to use their God-given talent and platform to share the Gospel outside the church.

Read more about the tour here at

Radical Missions School

Steiger’s Radical Missions School wrapped up in late August. It was a very strong school with students from Brazil, Chile, USA, Germany, Poland, Ukraine and more.
We will share a full report about the school in the next newsletter, but I can tell you that from the school we have 7 new missionary applications and more than 20 internship applications.

Prayer Requests

International A4 format

US Letter format

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