By Luke Greenwood on Monday, 28 June 2021
Category: Stories

Waiting for a Breakthrough

As I stood under the huge bridge over the Vistula River in Warsaw, waiting for the ambulance to take the poor girl passed out on the floor, I watched the lost young guys and girls partying on, as if nothing had happened.

We were supposed to play a concert and tell people about Jesus, but it was a tough atmosphere. Our new pioneering Warsaw Team worked hard to put on this action, but it was the first time they’d done anything like this, and the first time is often like breaking hard ground, both humanly and spiritually.

As I shared the message at the end, some listened but it felt like the barriers were up. I was reminded that reaching the lost takes persistence, anointing, and deep roots. It means being bold, but also standing through any storm to see a breakthrough.

In 1 Timothy 4, Paul challenges this young leader to "be nourished on the truths of the faith," reminding him of the importance of deep roots in his relationships with Jesus, in prayer and study of the scripture. He also recalls Timothy's calling "Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy," because we cannot do the work unless we know God's calling and anointing on our lives. Finally, Timothy is to "be diligent and persevere" - something we often find hard to do in our fast-moving culture.

I believe God has called us to raise up a new missionary movement to reach the Global Youth Culture for Jesus. And it can only be done if bold and persistent men and women "watch their lives and doctrine" (1Tim.4:16) with deep roots in a relationship with Jesus, walking in dependence on His anointing, diligently persevering through the good and the tough times.

Bring it on!

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