Impact Trips

International Newsletter April 2014

Dear Friends

I first met Cocke in 2005 while we were on tour in Santiago, Chile. He was in a secular Chilean metal band. After one of our meetings, Cocke fell on his knees and gave his life to Jesus because he saw that Jesus was not just a bunch of words, but that he was powerful! Since then his life has been totally transformed.


Now he is leading the "No Longer Music Peru" team - a multiplication of NLM that is preparing to go to Peru later this year! We are praying that many will find Jesus in Peru through this team.

It is so exciting to see the vision of No Longer Music being multiplied. I believe that there are not enough bands today who exist solely to reach the lost.

That is why Steiger's ministry "Platform" exists to identify, train, equip and send Christian artists as missionaries to proclaim the Gospel outside the church culture.  The Platform program is based on the 10 biblical principles laid out in my new book "Revolutionary!" (

This year, we will be sending 4 different versions of No Longer Music to up to 15 countries all over Europe, the Middle East and South America. By God's power, we expect that thousands will respond to the Gospel at NLM concerts this year.

We are also praying about developing a Russian-speaking NLM team and an Asian NLM team in the future.

Please continue to pray for Platform. Pray that God would raise up a new generation of evangelists who would boldly use their God-given creativity to proclaim the Gospel outside the church!

For the lost,
David Pierce

4 NLM Teams

  1. The "Original" NLM
    • Led by David Pierce and Ben Pierce.
    • They will be doing evangelistic concerts throughout Europe and the Middle East from May to August (see
  2. NLM Brazil
    • Led by Steiger missionary Luke Greenwood
    • They will be playing evangelistic concerts twice a month throughout Brazil
  3. NLM Peru
    • Led by Steiger missionary Cocke Cumplido
    • They will be doing a Spanish version of the show in Peru in late July/early August
  4. NLM SMS
    • A NLM team comprised of Steiger Missions School students will be doing an evangelistic tour of Poland in August

Support NLM!

In order to meet these critical opportunities to bring the Gospel to the lost, we need those who stand with us through finances and prayer. The tour budget this year is $175,000. A contribution of any size can be made online at (be sure to include "NLM Tour" in the comment box) or by check.

Sponsor a No Longer Music Concert!

Please prayerfully consider "sponsoring" a concert. A sponsorship gift of US$2,500 will enable No Longer Music to conduct a concert reaching lost secular youth for Jesus. This is also a great way for a church, small group or family to come together to "adopt" a concert. As a "Concert Sponsor", you can choose a concert in a particular country and will receive a description of the concert, venue, type of people in attendance before the concert and a report and short video (1-3 minutes) summarizing the concert.

See some examples of NLM videos from the 2013 tour:

2014 Tentative Schedule

This year, Steiger's ministry "No Longer Music" will be doing an extensive evangelistic tour throughout Europe and the Middle East.

Here is the NLM Tour Schedule (Tentative to Change)




April 19 - 28


May 9 - 13


May 15   


May 16 -17


May 18 - 19


May 20 - 23


May 24 - 28


May 29 - June 6


June 7 - 8


June 11 - 13


June 16- 23


June 24 - July 6


July 8 - 12


July 16 - 17


July 18


July 19 - 26


July 27 - 30

Polish Woodstock

August 1 - 2

Turkey, Iraq

August 6 - 19


August 20 - 25


Cocke and Paulina Cocke and sons NLM

International Newsletter May 2014
International Newsletter March 2014

Steiger Latinoamérica

Esperanza para la Cultura Global Juvenil