Impact Trips

International Newsletter December 2016

Millions of young people are being slaughtered all over the world by the lies that they hear! When will more Christian artists stand up and tell them the truth?

I am convinced that Christian artists, and Christians in general, are tired of compromised, powerless religion and are eager to be used by God. If Christian artists would boldly proclaim the truth through their art, it would revolutionize the world! It is not right that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.

Over a two week period last month, we held “Provoke & Inspire” seminars in Nashville, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Sao Paulo (Brazil), and Curitiba (Brazil).

These seminars, which are part of our larger initiative within Steiger called Come&Live! (, are designed to awaken and empower Christian artists to use their God-given creativity to revolutionize the world, locally and globally, for Jesus!

Around 800 young artists attended these events, and it was an incredible time! We had people flying in from different cities, driving over six hours, just to be part of them.

In Sao Paulo, for example, the event drew many influential artists from around the city. A famous local band, who had just released a new record and is gaining national recognition, were really touched. The day after the seminar, they played a concert in front of a capacity crowd. The singer said that he had been drifting from God, but after going to Provoke & Inspire, he was now ready to come back and wanted to share what he experienced with those in the crowd!

This was just one of many powerful examples of God at work through these events! We are planning to do many more Provoke & Inspire events throughout the world in 2017.

After the seminars, we encourage bands and individual artists to start Revolutionary Bible Studies, which is based on David Pierce’s book “Revolutionary!”

In the long run, our vision is to raise up Christian musicians and artists who are proclaiming the Gospel to 1 million young people annually and, by God’s power, thousands will come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior!

Thank you so much for your faithful partnership that enables us to do this!

Ben Pierce
Director of Come&Live!


Provoke&Inspire Podcast

Provoke & Inspire Podcast

The Provoke & Inspire podcast (featuring Ben Pierce, David Pierce, Luke Greenwood and Chad Johnson) is a voice to the Christian art world. It is a rallying cry, appealing to artists to lay down their dreams and give everything they have for Jesus. A call to pursue the lost and boldly proclaim the name of Jesus through the gift of art.

It’s available for free on iTunes:

and Soundcloud:



SMS 2017

June 16 - August 22, 2017
Steiger International Center (Krögis, Germany)

Are you called to reach and disciple the Global Youth Culture for Jesus?

The SMS is intended for people with a wide variety of gifting and background who feel called to join Steiger’s mission to reach and disciple the Global Youth Culture for Jesus. It is a requirement for those who want to be Steiger missionaries.

During the 10 weeks we observe a complete media and Internet fast. Sundays are set aside as a day of silence where students and staff have the opportunity to seek God in a focused and undistracted way.

Throughout the week you will have lectures from experienced frontline missionaries, artists and church planters from all over the world who understand how to reach the Global Youth Culture. You will also have a personal mentor that you meet with on a weekly basis.

You will be engaged in some of Steiger’s front line missionary work, participating in music and artistic tours and events, going to some of Europe’s largest art and music festivals, and being part of the local youth scene in European cities.



Steiger International


Provoke&Inspire Seminar in São Paulo, BrazilBrian “Head” Welch at the Provoke&Inspire Seminar MNBen Pierce at the Provoke&Inspire Seminar in Curitiba, Brazil
International Newsletter January 2017
International Newsletter October 2016

Steiger Latinoamérica

Esperanza para la Cultura Global Juvenil