Impact Trips

International Newsletter January 2009

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

Six months ago, during our evangelistic tour in the Middle East, hundreds of young people , including many Islamic young people, heard who Jesus is for the first time. Many came forward to make a public confession of faith in Jesus Christ. But it didn't come without a fight. During one concert the team was taunted and threatened with violence. Download pdf

When the confrontation escalated to the point of a riot, the military intervened and we were ushered into a bus and driven away.

On another occasion, I was interviewed for 25 minutes on a popular live television show on Orange TV – a television station with ties to Hezbollah.

During the interview, which was translated into Arabic and broadcast all over the Arab world, I was able to speak clearly about the message of Jesus. The significance of this interview is breathtaking because I was freely given the opportunity by the Arab media to share who Jesus is throughout the the Middle East.

The interview created such a stir in the Arab world that a newspaper in Iran felt compelled to write an article attempting to discredit us--further evidence of the impact.

Since then, we have been invited by an official of a major secular record label in the Middle East to return there this coming February to conduct an evangelistic event and do media interviews. The event will gather influential people in the media, arts and music industry allowing us to share the Gospel and invite these cultural leaders to enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ. Based on past experience in so many other unlikely circumstances, I have faith that many influential people in the region will respond.

This opportunity could have a profound impact on the entire Arab region.

So we URGENTLY NEED YOUR PRAYERS. There are certain elements that oppose us coming in February so please pray that God keeps this door open. Pray for God's anointing and protection on Jodi and I and all those coming to support this event.

For the lost,

David & Jodi Pierce
Steiger International

Prayer requests:

1) Jodi and I and others from our team will be in the Middle East February 19-23. Pray that God doesn't allow those who are opposed to us coming to keep us from entering the country.

2) Pray for the upcoming Radical Missions School on the Kapiti Coast in New Zealand. Students are coming from Croatia, Germany, Canada, USA, New Zealand, and Poland.

3) Pray for new financial partners. We need 40 people that would support us $100US dollars a month to meet our monthly support needs. (see our partnership program on

4) Pray for boldness to preach the love of Jesus for all of our teams scattered around the world. That God will strengthen them, keep them safe and give them courage.

International Newsletter February 2009
International Newsletter December 2008

Steiger Latinoamérica

Esperanza para la Cultura Global Juvenil