Impact Trips

International Newsletter July 2014

Dear Friends,

God has been moving powerfully through the No Longer Music tour. Thank you so much for your prayers! Last month we had a stretch of 10 concerts in 11 days in Poland.  During this time, thousands heard the Gospel message and hundreds responded by praying to receive Jesus.


June 14 - Poznan

June 14 - Poznan

Woitek immediately raised his hand and prayed to receive Jesus! Later he said he was walking by and felt compelled to stay. As we started to share who Jesus is he said that he could feel something inside him changing. Ben Pierce was able to pray with him and it was clear that this night will have a huge impact on Woitek's life!

June 16 - Jelenia Góra

June 16 - Jelenia Góra

A girl responded and told us that prior to the concert she did not believe in God or want anything to do with religion, but that the concert had changed all of that.  She was ready to know the real Jesus!

Ben was talking to a group of guys that were impacted, but not ready to commit. After they left, one of the guys in the group suddenly came back to Ben and said that he wanted to know more about following Jesus. It was clear that he had experienced God's power. Ben was able to pray for him and get him connected to our follow up team.

June 18 - Racibórz

June 18 - Racibórz

Chris, our 19-year old light tech and crew member from Australia, was able to lead a young man to receive Jesus - the first time he had ever done so.

June 19 Jastrzebie

June 19 - Jastrzębie Prison

As I walked closer to the men, I could see that many of them were touched. A man with tattoos on his huge arms looked straight at me with tears in his eyes. Another man, serving a 25-year sentence for killing someone in a bar fight, also responded. He found out last Friday that his wife was divorcing him and he had lost all hope - until he experienced the love and forgiveness of Jesus through the concert.

June 19 - Radom

June 20 - Radom

Despite the continual interruption from one particular obnoxious drunk guy, Ben was able to lead a young man to Jesus after the concert.

June 20 Czestochowa

June 22 - Częstochowa

Two years ago, these girls were at a NLM show in Częstochowa. They were really touched by the show and now both follow Jesus and belong to a local church.

Pray for SMS!

Students have arrived from all over the world. We are really excited because it is a very mature group and we expect many to become full-time, long-term Steiger missionaries afterwards.  Please pray as they attend lectures, participate in practical outreaches and seek God's direction for their lives.



Praise the Lord for all that He continues to do through the tour.

You can follow the latest news about the NLM tour, including our concerts in Ukraine, online:

Tour Blog



International Newsletter August 2014
International Newsletter June 2014

Steiger Latinoamérica

Esperanza para la Cultura Global Juvenil