Impact Trips

International Newsletter June 2015

The 2015 No Longer Music tour got off to a very rough start… The morning of our first concert in Liberec, Czech Republic, the vehicle that pulls our stage trailer broke down. The next few hours were spent frantically trying to solve the problem.
With time running out, and all options exhausted, we settled for a makeshift wooden stage provided by our local partners - hardly an ideal start.

On top of that, Liberec is one of the most atheistic cities in one of the most atheistic countries in the world.  The local pastor, Stan Hart, told us that people there generally hate church and any talk about God.

But that night in Liberec was much different.

There was a real openness and of the 300 people present, many were touched. About 20 people raised their hands to receive Jesus immediately after the concert. Others stayed at the square for over an hour after the concert talking to the band and our local partners.

The local church did an outstanding follow up job! They handed out over 200 Gospels of John, received 50 response cards with contact information and 10 new people came to the “After Party” the next night where they connected with the local church and heard testimonies of how Jesus changes lives. The next Sunday, 6 new people came to the church.

Our local partners, who have been working hard for 10 years to build a church of 60 people, were very encouraged! This kind of response was nothing short of a miracle!

The follow up effort (phone calls, meetings, facebook, weekly bible studies, etc.) are ongoing. Pray that the seeds that were sown would grow and multiply!

For the lost!

David Pierce


No Longer Music Tour 2015

No Longer Music Tour Report

“In my heart, as a person who is a hardcore atheist, there is now a spark which has really started something inside of me”

These were the words of a young Polish man after he saw the No Longer Music concert in Łomża, Poland.  Watch the powerful summary video (see link) that shows his testimony and others from the concerts that took place in the Czech Republic and Poland in May:

God has been moving powerfully throughout the start of the 2015 No Longer Music tour!

In addition to the Czech Republic and Poland, No Longer Music (along with the Steiger band from Russia called “Nuteki”) has performed concerts throughout Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. At every concert, God has moved and people have prayed to receive Jesus!

You can read the reports from these concerts and the latest prayer requests by following the tour online:

NLM Blog

Steiger International
David Pierce

Go to to receive emails with prayer requests throughout the tour.
Ben Pierce and Paige Slighter Crowd at NLM concert in Czech Republic NLM concert in Czech Republic NLM member praying for people after NLM concert in Czech Republic 
International Newsletter July 2015
International Newsletter May 2015

Steiger Latinoamérica

Esperanza para la Cultura Global Juvenil