Impact Trips

International Newsletter March 2016

“I’m just a simple guy from Ukraine that has a dream to turn over Ukraine for Jesus!” Valery Ryabokonenko, Steiger Missions School Graduate
Valery is a dynamic young man that attended the Steiger Missions School a few years ago and has gone on to make an incredible impact for the Gospel in his country.

He continues to dream big! Below is a letter that he sent me:

I would like to share with you what God inspired me to accomplish this coming summer. This year No Longer Music and Nuteki (both Steiger missionary bands) will tour in Ukraine from 26th July till 14th August. We hope to visit at least 15 major cities. The goal of the tour is to proclaim the Gospel in the main city squares and to call for repentance.

The average amount of people that come to each concert is about 2000 but I believe that in some cities we will reach up to 4000 people per concert. We can touch this summer at least 40.000 young people that will hear a clear explanation of the Gospel. As far as I know, there hasn’t been any huge evangelistic project reaching youth like that in Ukraine before!!

After the concerts we expect a lot of young people to give their lives to Jesus. So we will create five Steiger Ukrainian mission teams with ten people each. They will switch each three days and follow us during the tour.

After the concerts they will talk and pray with people and at the same time we will start the 6pm bible project in local cafes or clubs in the cities where No Longer Music and Nuteki perform.

Valery Ryabokonenko
Kiev, Ukraine


In our last Steiger Missions School, we had students and volunteers from all over the world. Eleven countries to be exact. After the school finished, many like Valery, are now working with Steiger all over the world!

From Faro, Portugal to Moscow, Russia to war torn Ukraine. Others are bravely preaching Christ in Beirut, Lebanon and other parts of the Muslim world.

Still other Steiger Mission School graduates are working boldly in South America or sharing the love of Jesus with searching young world travellers in New Zealand.

Thank you so much for your part in helping us train and send out these radical young missionaries to a desperate world that needs to hear that God loves them.


For the lost,

David Pierce
Steiger International


Attend the 2016 Steiger Missions School!
March 31st is the deadline to apply!

Join Steiger’s mission to reach and disciple the Global Youth Culture for Jesus. The SMS is a time to unhook, hear God and prepare to reach the Global Youth Culture. This missionary training is intended for people with a wide variety of gifting and background who feel called to join Steiger’s mission to reach and disciple the Global Youth Culture for Jesus. It is a requirement for those who want to be Steiger missionaries.

Steiger International Center (Krögis, Germany)
June 10 - August 18, 2016
Apply Now!



Support the 2016 No Longer Music tour!

In this time of extraordinary need, God has given NLM the opportunity to proclaim the message of the cross to many thousands of young people all over secular world. We have seen, first hand, when given the opportunity to encounter the power and reality of Jesus, people will respond!

Go to


Valery Ryabokonenko, Steiger Missions School Graduate Valery Ryabokonenko, Steiger Missions School Graduate SMS16 SMS outreach Sfera Space in Dresden, Germany Luke Greenwood teaching at the SMS Support the No Longer Music Tour 2016
International Newsletter April 2016
International Newsletter February 2016

Steiger Latinoamérica

Esperanza para la Cultura Global Juvenil