Impact Trips

International Newsletter March 2018

On any given weekend, we are seeing many creative street teams boldly preaching the Gospel in cities all over the Russian-speaking world, parts of Europe, the Middle East, New Zealand, and South America.

Informal Bible studies are being held in coffee shops and cafes in various cities across Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus.

At the same time, many churches are partnering with us all over the world, committed to taking care of all these new believers. This new wave of radical evangelism has come directly from the graduates of our Steiger Missions School, and we are seeing explosive growth as a result.

This is why we felt God wanted us to take a step of faith and have two schools at our International Center in Germany this year.

God has really given us a heart for Albania. Albania is a Muslim country that was considered to be the North Korea of Europe during its years under Communist domination.

In the last few years, we have been able to proclaim the love of Jesus boldly to thousands in this desperate country, and hundreds have responded. In one of Albania’s remote Muslim areas, as a direct result of a No Longer Music concert, the radical Albanian church-planting team we work with was able to start the village’s first church.

We are very excited that for the first time ever, a busload of 20 young Albanian believers will be joining us for the opening week of the Spring Steiger Missions School.

Our hope is that this will eventually lead to the establishment of a full-time Steiger presence in Tirana, Albania, led by radical Albanians boldly preaching the love of Jesus throughout this whole region.

Along with the Albanians coming for the first school, we expect students from Lebanon, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Spain, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, USA, New Zealand, Ukraine, Poland, Portugal, Finland, and Australia.

The school leaders and volunteers helping this year are from Uruguay, Colombia, Russia, Switzerland, Spain, Ukraine, Argentina, Brazil, France, Belarus and the USA. Jodi, who is the leader of the school, has only two people on her team that speak English as their first language!

Almost all of those coming to the schools this year need sponsors to make it possible for them to participate. Please consider making a contribution to help send out more radical young missionaries to a world that is on fire and deserves to hear that Jesus is the answer!
For the lost,

David Pierce




Steiger Missions School

Steiger Missions School

Missionary Training to the Global Youth Culture

Steiger International Center (Krogis, Germany)

In 2018, for the first time ever, there will be TWO separate Steiger Missions Schools.

SMS - April 27 - July 3, 2018
SMS - July 25 - October 2, 2018

The SMS is intended for people with a wide variety of gifting and background, who feel called to join Steiger’s mission to reach and disciple the Global Youth Culture for Jesus.

Apply Now!


Invest in the next generation of dynamic, creative missionaries!

Steiger is raising up the next generation of dynamic, creative missionaries to boldly reach the Global Youth Culture for Jesus!

We need scholarships for key students coming from South America, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East.

Would you consider sponsoring a Steiger Missions School student?

A full scholarship for an SMS student is US $2,500. Any donation is appreciated, but please consider giving one of the amounts below:

Quarter Sponsorship = $626

Half Sponsorship = $1,250

Full Sponsorship = $2,500

To donate, go to
and specify "SMS Scholarship" in the purpose of donation note.


International Newsletter April 2018
International Newsletter January 2018

Steiger Latinoamérica

Esperanza para la Cultura Global Juvenil