Impact Trips

International Newsletter September 2013

Dear Friends

Last month, Steiger Germany was responsible for one of the major stages (using our mobile stage trailer) at the Dresden City Festival which draws around 500,000 people.  We had a large tea tent set up by our stage and an art exhibition, including the story of the cross using photographic art.



Many thousands came to our stage through out the weekend and our Steiger Missions School (SMS) students had many conversations with people seeking God.

The culmination of the weekend was when No Longer Music performed as the headline band on Saturday night.  Before our concert, the school handed out 50,000 flyers promoting the concert.  The city event organizer was amazed at all those who came to see us play and said we drew the largest crowd of the weekend.

Watch the summary video of this concert here.

During our concert, we were able to clearly present Jesus to thousands in the center of Dresden. Afterwards I invited those who wanted to know more to come to our tent by the stage and our SMS students had long conversations and many were open to Jesus for the first time.

One of those was Robert, who is a young Germany guy somewhere in his late 20s.  He told me that he felt something he had never felt before and he wanted to know more about our message.   Martin Remler, who is a German Steiger missionary, was able to pray with him and he gave his life to Jesus.

The next day, Robert hung around our tent all day because he was so hungry to know more and we got him involved with a local church in Dresden.  This is just one example of the amazing things that God did.  When the team was packing up our stage, one of the festival organizers told us that they were very happy and that they hoped we would have a stage at the festival next year.

This is a huge open door and could give us the opportunity to present Jesus at the biggest secular cultural event in the city of Dresden for years to come.

Only God could open a door like this!

For the lost!

Follow the No Longer Music Tour


Remaining NLM Tour

Spain: September 2 - 18
Portugal: September 19 - 23

Please pray!

Please pray for the two NLM teams on tour this month:

The No Longer Music team (led by David Pierce) is in the middle of a tour of Spain.

Follow this tour here:

The NLM Brazil team (led by Luke Greenwood) is in the middle of a tour of Finland and then Portugal.

Follow this tour here:

Spain, Portugal and Finland are all very secular countries, especially amongst young people. Pray that God moves powerfully through the concerts and that many find Jesus!.

NLM concert NLM concert NLM concert SMS samba class in Dresden
SMS tea tent in DresdenSMS in Dresden
International Newsletter October 2013
International Newsletter August 2013

Steiger Latinoamérica

Esperanza para la Cultura Global Juvenil