Impact Trips

International Newsletter September 2015

Our local Ukrainian promoter Valery stepped out of the church and headed towards the train station, but something was strange. Instead of a busy street everything was quiet. No one was walking around except for riot police and soldiers.
He found out later that a radical right wing militants, armed with automatic weapons and grenade launchers, had stormed a building in the city and were driving up and down the streets shooting.

This was the first city we were supposed to play in on our Ukrainian leg of tour, but fearing more violence the city banned all outdoor events.

The local church was extremely disappointed but quickly came up with another plan. With only a few days notice they found a different city, an hour away, and were able to secure permission right in the heart of the city!

The location was incredible and despite little to no advertising 1700 people came to watch the show! The atmosphere was awesome and a large crowd responded to the message and prayed to receive Jesus. Not bad for an unplanned show and a crazy start to our tour of Ukraine.

What was even more incredible, the government in the original city changed their minds and decided to let us play!

Again, we set up in the main part of town and another massive crowd (over one thousand people) pressed up against the stage and enthusiastically watched the show. 100 people raised their hands wanting to know more about Jesus and our local partners collected their names and will be launching a new youth ministry to follow up with those that responded.

Paige, actress in the show, talked with Natalia and Ania, two girls who came at the very end of the concert. They hadn’t seen the show and were curious about what had happened. Paige explained that salvation from God is a gift. Both of them surrendered to God and Natalie said, “how could I say no to this gift.” They both agreed to go the follow up event - praise God!

God’s plans are so amazing. He used the senseless violence of right wing radicals to open the door in another city and lives were changed forever. He then re-opened the door to the original location and allowed us to bring Jesus to a city and a country desperate for hope!

In the end, we did 10 concerts throughout Ukraine and were able to proclaim the Gospel to around 20,000 people.

Watch the summary video of the Ukraine tour here:

We have been so overwhelmed by God’s power and provision. This tour has been a vivid reminder of how desperate and broken the world is. Yet it has been an even greater reminder of how much God’s heart breaks for the lost and how powerfully He supports those who will go to where they are!

For the lost,

Ben Pierce

No Longer Music 2

In mid-August, the “No Longer Music 2” team consisting of recent Steiger Missions School graduates and led by Luke Greenwood, headed out on tour. They are doing evangelistic concerts in Croatia, Bulgaria and Turkey. It’s so exciting to see the vision of No Longer Music continue to multiply!

Please pray for the team as they proclaim the Gospel!

No Longer Music Tour 2015

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No Longer Music Tour 2015 No Longer Music Tour 2015 No Longer Music Tour 2015 No Longer Music Tour 2015 No Longer Music Tour 2015 No Longer Music Tour 2015
International Newsletter October 2015
International Newsletter July 2015

Steiger Latinoamérica

Esperanza para la Cultura Global Juvenil