Impact Trips


Sharing Jesus at a Cynical Poetry Bar in Denver

With shaky hands, Justin walked up to the stage. 

The opportunity was months in the making. The Denver City Team had begun frequenting this poetry bar early in the year, building relationships with those they met.

International Newsletter May 2022

“I don’t understand why I would be leaving now. I need to stay in Kyiv.”

Steiger Ukraine Update - Relief Fund Set Up

 Steiger International’s Crisis Response Team has been working tirelessly around the clock to support not only our own City Teams in Ukraine, but thousands who have been affected by the horrific conflict in their country.

Steiger Ukraine Update - Developing Our Relief Efforts!

As the tragic conflict in Ukraine continues to unfold, Steiger is working hard to more effectively coordinate rescue and relief efforts, establish sustainable rhythms for our people, and make viable plans for a situation that will have countless long-term consequences.

Steiger Ukraine Update - February 25

Thanks to preparation ahead of time, our Steiger Ukraine teams were ready to act quickly once the invasion began and we are so grateful that none have been injured.

Steiger Latinoamérica

Esperanza para la Cultura Global Juvenil