
Tuesday, 10 August 2021 04:38

Rule #3: Really Listen

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There is a hunger for deep and meaningful conversations today. If you ask good questions, you'd be amazed how many people open up. But asking questions is only half the battle.
Monday, 02 August 2021 23:00

Rule #2: Don't Oversimplify

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In our increasingly complex world, it's natural to want simple explanations. Easy answers and obvious villains make the world safer to navigate.
Everyone has an opinion on politics, religion, racism, justice, the environment, etc. Yet, how often do we have meaningful conversations about these topics with people who disagree with us?
Monday, 12 July 2021 13:18

Rule #5: Find Common Ground!

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If we want to change the hearts and minds of people outside the church, we need to find common ground. We spend so much time focusing on our disagreements that we miss a huge opportunity.
When it comes to sharing the Gospel, give me the angry atheist or the new-age hippie. But someone who just doesn't care? This is the most challenging conversation of all.
Monday, 28 June 2021 18:42

Waiting for a Breakthrough

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As I stood under the huge bridge over the Vistula River in Warsaw, waiting for the ambulance to take the poor girl passed out on the floor, I watched the lost young guys and girls partying on, as if nothing had happened.
The world is increasingly divided over a growing number of contentious “hot topics.” As followers of Jesus, we have the truth – but we’ve lost our voice. People aren’t interested in what we have to say, and we are often to blame.
“Don’t let anyone tell you that you need to change. You are good the way you are. Put yourself first, and follow your dreams, then you will be happy.”
Human beings make mistakes. If you are one, this shouldn’t come as a big surprise. For the most part, we are good at forgiving ourselves, but other people? Not so much.
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Steiger Latinoamérica

Esperanza para la Cultura Global Juvenil