Impact Trips

International Newsletter August 2016

“In the crowd, I saw an aggressive man moving towards me as if he would attack, but instead he stopped right in front of me. Then he said he felt something like peace and he would like to have it inside of him.  I prayed that the Holy Spirit would fill him. No sooner had the conversation finished, another man came who wanted prayer and wished to have the freedom of Christ.”
Stephan Maag from Switzerland (Steiger Missions School Evangelism Coordinator)

Dear friends, This (northern hemisphere) summer, a vibrant group of students from 12 countries have come together at the Steiger Missions School in Germany to learn how to reach and disciple the Global Youth Culture for Jesus. The school, which includes intensive study, diligently seeking God through prayer and worship, and regular evangelistic outreach, is designed to prepare and equip students to serve as missionaries around the world.

Last month, the students from the Steiger Missions School spent five days on outreach at the Polish Woodstock festival. This annual festival is a dark and wild place that draws over 700,000 people. The students did various forms of creative outreach, including a “Jesus Revolution” procession around the festival lifting up the power of the cross. In the procession, there were people who represented evil (demons), followed by a bloody Jesus carrying the cross, an empty coffin, and a huge sign that said, “Jesus Revolution,” and finally a wild celebration party to show that Christ is risen.

After the procession, Stephan Maag from Switzerland (the outreach coordinator for the SMS) stood on the coffin and preached the Gospel to the people of Woodstock. Even though they were told that the procession would not work at this secular festival, the response was incredible! They were able to proclaim the Gospel to over 5,000 people and had almost 1,000 individual conversations with people about Jesus. Of those, 68 people made decisions to follow Jesus and many others received prayer!

It’s so exciting to see a new generation of radical missionaries raised up to bring the powerful message of Jesus to dark places!

For the lost,

Aaron Pierce


SMS Student Testimony: Michael from Germany

During an outreach at Polish Woodstock, Jonas (a fellow student) and I met a Polish guy named Martin. At first, he walked away and didn’t want to talk, but after 30 meters he turned around and asked if we wanted to smoke a joint with him. We told him that we didn’t smoke, but we would keep him company. While he was smoking, he shared that he lived on the streets and was addicted to drugs. I shared my testimony with him and asked if he would like to receive Jesus. He declined.

The next day I played the role of Jesus in our “Jesus Revolution” procession. I was carrying a heavy cross and covered in stage blood. After the procession, I saw Martin sitting on the ground so I said hello to him. He couldn’t believe that it was me. He said, ”Jesus… No … Jesus… I know you… This is a sign.” So again, I asked him to invite Jesus into his life and this time he did. That night Martin slept in the Steiger tent, and the next day he didn’t drink or take any drugs. I could see that it was hard for him because he was shaking from withdrawal symptoms. I prayed that God would liberate him totally and fill him with joy and peace. After this, the Holy Spirit healed him. He started reading the Bible and his eyes were shining with new life.

Check out the SMS facebook page for the latest updates:


No Longer Music in Ukraine

After a truly incredible tour of Russia, the No Longer Music team is now in Ukraine where they have the opportunity to proclaim the message of the cross to thousands of young people all over the country!

Follow the No Longer Music Tour Online! You can read the latest tour reports and prayer requests by following the NLM Blog:


Provoke&Inspire Seminars

Come&Live! presents Provoke & Inspire, a worldwide series of seminars designed to awaken and empower Christian artists to use their God-given creativity to revolutionize the world, locally and globally, for Jesus!

As artists, God has entrusted us with a powerful tool for communicating truth that cuts to the heart. This world needs Christian artists who will boldly use their God-given talent to share the revolutionary message of Jesus Christ outside of the church!


Steiger International


David Pierce


Stephan Maag leading the SMS outreach in Poland SMS procession at the Polish Woodstock Festical SMS procession at the Polish Woodstock Festical SMS procession at the Polish Woodstock Festical Lukas Ruegger teaching at the SMS Jonathan Muñoz teaching at the SMS
International Newsletter September 2016
International Newsletter July 2016

Steiger Latinoamérica

Esperanza para la Cultura Global Juvenil