Impact Trips

International Newsletter September 2016

“You can clearly see a thirst for God in their eyes. And you know that in that moment, you can become a conduit through whom God will speak to their hearts of His love! And I do not know anything more beautiful than to be part of that."

"After praying with these young people, who have never done anything like it, they say that something is happening in their hearts. And with ours as well. Because when God comes, we do not we remain the same.

The extraordinary atmosphere of love, insight, understanding and acceptance prevailed all around. Young guys and girls praying the prayer of repentance with us, and we prayed together for their family, health, relationships, school and for peace in Ukraine. I personally saw dozens of burning eyes, who took Jesus.

Thank you Steiger ministry for this opportunity to be part of the amazing work of God among young people in Ukraine and to experience the immense happiness in serving God. This is what Ukraine needs now, and it is what the world needs right now!”
- Maija Kirdeewa (from Krivoy Rog, Ukraine)

Maija was part of a group of young, energetic Ukrainians from cities throughout the country who joined the No Longer Music and Nuteki tour on a “missions trip.” Their job was to hand out flyers and invite people before the concerts and then talk and pray with people afterwards and connect them to our local church partners.

In all, No Longer Music and Nuteki performed 13 concerts in 12 cities all over Ukraine to over 26,000 people. At every concert, you could sense the presence of God. In Kiev, for example, it was almost completely silent when I spoke (hard to imagine with several thousand standing there watching!) and people raised their hands all over to praying to know Jesus. Many were crying, they were so moved.

Over 450 people attended the “6pm” follow up meetings we did in five cities, which were the start of 8-week informal bible studies that are hosted by a local partner and takes place in a neutral venue (ie. cafe).

It truly was incredible what God did in Ukraine. Thank you for partnering with us through your prayers and support!

For the lost,
David Pierce


God moved powerfully in Ukraine, but it did not come without a fight!

While on our way to Dnepropetrovsk, the rough Ukrainian roads took a heavy toll and the axle on our stage truck snapped in half. With only a few hours before the start of our show, we frantically looked for a replacement stage and miraculously found one that was not only big enough but could be set up in time.

Fortunately, a few days later, we finally were able to weld the axle back into place for use for the remainder of the tour.


#6pm Bible

#6pm Bible

#6pmbible is an informal Bible study designed to help those who responded at the concerts grow in their relationship with Jesus.


Provoke&Inspire Seminars

Provoke&Inspire Seminars

Come&Live! presents Provoke & Inspire, a worldwide series of seminars designed to awaken and empower Christian artists to use their God-given creativity to revolutionize the world, locally and globally, for Jesus!

As artists, God has entrusted us with a powerful tool for communicating truth that cuts to the heart. This world needs Christian artists who will boldly use their God-given talent to share the revolutionary message of Jesus Christ outside of the church!


Steiger International


David Pierce


NLM in Ukraine NLM in Ukraine NLM in Ukraine NLM in Ukraine NLM in Ukraine #6pm Bible #6pm Bible #6pm Bible Provoke&Inspire Podcast Come&Live!
International Newsletter October 2016
International Newsletter August 2016

Steiger Latinoamérica

Esperanza para la Cultura Global Juvenil