Impact Trips

International Newsletter January 2013

Dear Friends,

In the early 1980s, "Steiger" started as a bible study on a red barge behind Central Station in Amsterdam. From there, Steiger's ministry "No Longer Music" served as a catalyst for a movement of people and ministries passionate about reaching the lost. Today, Steiger has grown and developed into a true mission organisation dedicated to reaching and discipling the "secularised global youth culture" for Jesus, with 50 missionaries and ministry bases all over the world.


In order to demonstrate the scope of Steiger's ministry efforts around the world, we thought it would be great to share just a few ministry highlights from 2012. We praise God for all that He has done. None of this would have been possible without his blessing and direction!

For the lost,
David Pierce

Steiger 16-22 April
Steiger "mini" School in Sumy, Ukraine.
The school provided students from all over Ukraine with an introduction to Steiger's mission, vision and values and served as a process to identify those called to attend Steiger's Radical Missions School in Krögis, Germany.
1Steiger Radical Missions School5 June – 22 August 2012
Steiger Radical Missions School
37 students attended from Brazil, Chile, England, USA, Poland, Ukraine, Russia and Germany, leading to 7 new missionaries and 20 interns.
2NLM Tour of Turkey, Albania and Kosovo8 June – 19 July
No Longer Music Tour of Turkey, Albania and Kosovo
Turkey - More than 1,000 people heard the Gospel message for the first time in cities that have only a handful of believers.
Albania - God moved incredibly! Thousands attended the concerts and hundreds responded.
Kosovo - Thousands heard about Jesus and more than 700 people received information about the NLM Fan Club website.
JSuitcase Side Showuly - August
"Suitcase Side Show"
Philip and Sari Shorey present the love of Jesus to hundreds throughout Europe using the "Suitcase Side Show" (evangelistic puppetry).
2NLM Tour of Poland9 July – 16 August
No Longer Music Tour of Poland
Everywhere we went people knelt on city streets and town squares, sometimes in the pouring rain, in an act of surrender to Jesus. This included Polish Woodstock - one of the largest secular festivals in Europe with around 700,000 "crazed" people in attendance.
2NLM Brazil Tour of Northern Russia and Finland8 August - 3 September
NLM Brazil Tour of Northern Russia and Finland
Approximately 2000 people saw the show and 100 responded to receive Jesus.
3David Pierce interviewed in Lebanon-7 September
David Pierce interviewed in Lebanon
David did live interviews on MTV and OTV - two major secular TV stations broadcast to millions all over the Middle East. It is truly astonishing how clearly he was able to share the Gospel. This is part of Steiger's "Globalized Muslim Youth" initiative in the Middle East.
SEvangelistic Street Performanceeptember - November
Evangelistic Street Performance
Two 2012 Radical Missions School graduates, Josh (England) & Patrick (Poland), go on a two-month evangelistic "street performance" tour throughout Europe and Turkey, including Syrian refugee camp on border of Syria and Turkey.
8Platform Seminar - 11 November
Platform Seminar
Steiger Ukraine puts on a large Platform (evangelistic arts) Seminar in Sumy, Ukraine. Hundreds of people from 34 cities in Ukraine and 2 in Russia (including Moscow) attend.
DSpeaking Tour of Brazilecember
Speaking Tour of Brazil
David Pierce and Luke Greenwood do a major speaking tour in Brazil.
Thousands attend the meetings and enormous opportunities are opening for us in Brazil and Chile.

Thank you for the part that you played in making this possible! We very excited about all the doors God has opened up for the Gospel throughout Europe, the Middle East and South America!

We cannot do this alone! As God continues to grow our capacity to reach the lost, we need more people who will commit to partner with us, particularly through regular financial support. Please prayerfully consider joining our financial support team. Please consider making automatic monthly gifts to support the ministry of Steiger around the world.

International Newsletter February 2013
International Newsletter December 2012

Steiger Latinoamérica

Esperanza para la Cultura Global Juvenil