Impact Trips

International Newsletter February 2013

Despite riots, black-list threats and other obstacles, God has opened the door for us to have a full-time Steiger base of operations in the center of Beirut, Lebanon. This base will not only give us the opportunity to bring the love of Jesus to Lebanon but will also serve as a sending point to reach globalized youth all over the Middle East.


In September 2012, I met with a major Christian leader of an influential organization in Beirut. He offered to help us establish a full-time Steiger presence in the city center. Steiger would be free to pursue our vision and at the same time benefit from this organization's infrastructure and political power.

Aaron Pierce met with him again in October 2012 and they agreed to pursue an official partnership. Since then, we have started to build the Steiger team which will be based in Beirut.

Locally, Steiger will engage the youth culture of Beirut by using art, music and other forms of creativity to present Jesus in a clear and relevant way. The vision includes the eventual establishment of an evangelistic music and art café, a community house, a discipleship school, and a new church plant focused on globalized youth in the Middle East. Regionally, it will serve as a training and sending point for creative evangelism teams to other Middle Eastern countries.

In June, we are also planning an evangelistic No Longer Music tour of Lebanon and a Steiger "Platform" (Steiger's Association of Evangelistic Artists) Conference in Beirut.

God is opening so many doors to bring the love of Jesus to the Middle East. Thank you for your financial support and prayers that make this possible.

David Pierce

Prayer Requests:

  • This is a volatile, unstable part of the world. Please pray for protection for all those involved.
  • Pray for wisdom as we begin to develop the new Steiger base of operations in Beirut, especially as we build the team.
  • Pray for the Platform Conference that will take place in Beirut in June. Pray that many Christian artists and musicians are challenged to use their God-given talent and platform to share the Gospel throughout the Middle East.
  • Pray for God's anointing and power as we send out more evangelistic teams to Turkey and Lebanon this year. Pray that many respond to the Gospel and that they receive the strong discipleship necessary to become enduring members of the Body of Chris

We cannot do this alone! As God continues to grow our capacity to reach the lost, we need more people who will commit to partner with us, particularly through regular financial support. Please prayerfully consider joining our financial support team. Please consider making automatic monthly gifts to support the ministry of Steiger around the world.

Response after NLM concert
NLM Advertising in the Middle East
David live on OTV
NLM Fan Club Website in Arabic
International Newsletter March 2013
International Newsletter January 2013

Steiger Latinoamérica

Esperanza para la Cultura Global Juvenil