Impact Trips

International Newsletter March 2013

Dear Friends

Last year, many thousands heard the message of the cross and hundreds fell to their knees in city squares, clubs and concert halls all over Europe and the Middle East.


God gave us the opportunity to boldly proclaim the Gospel in one of the largest secular music festivals in Europe, at a biker village where more than 2000 bikers camped and in city squares throughout Albania, Kosovo and Turkey. We performed in a prison yard in Poland where half the prison showed up for our concert and the response was so big that the prison guards were overwhelmed. In northern Russia and Finland, we were able to bring Jesus into underground clubs where the name of Jesus has likely never been proclaimed before.

This year No Longer Music will be preaching the Gospel in up to 15 countries all over Europe, South America and the Middle East. Thanks to multiple teams and the addition of a Mobile Stage Truck, we are planning more No Longer Music concerts than any time in recent history.

I believe that thousands will have the opportunity to hear about Jesus for the first time, a new Steiger base will be established in Beirut, Lebanon and we will form the beginnings of a new Steiger presence in Madrid, Spain.

David Pierce

2013 Tentative NLM Tour Schedule

Location Date
USA April 19 - 28
Ukraine/Poland May 14 - June 3
Lebanon/Platform Conference June 6 - 10
Turkey June 26 - July 3
Albania July 4 - 22
Slovakia July 26 - Aug 2
Polish Woodstock Augst 3 - 4
Germany/Holland/Belgium August 8 - 20
Lebanon August 22 - September 1
Spain/Portugal September 3 - 19
Finland (NLM Brazil) September 9 - 15
China (NLM Brazil) September 16 - 23
Chile (NLM Brazil) November 14 - 17
Argentina (NLM Brazil) October/November (TBD)

See for more information

2013 No Longer Music Tour

We can not do this alone!
In order for this tour to be a reality, we need those who will stand with us in prayer and finances.

Sponsor a No Longer Music concert!
Please prayerfully consider "sponsoring" a concert. A sponsorship gift of US$2,000 will enable "No Longer Music" to conduct a concert reaching lost secular youth for Jesus. This is also a great way for a church, small group or family to come together to "adopt" a concert. As a "Concert Sponsor", you can choose a concert in a particular country and will receive the following:

Before the concert:
  • Description of the concert, venue, type of people in attendance
  • List of prayer requests from the local ministry partner
After the concert:
  • A report describing the concert and the fruit, including pictures and testimonies
  • A short video (1-3 minutes) summarizing the concert
For more information about sponsoring a concert, go to:

2013 NLM Tour Prayer Requests

  • Pray for the NLM team as they prepare practically.
  • Pray for the NLM rehearsals which start on March 26th.
  • Pray for the NLM "Send Off" Shows in Sioux Falls, Des Moines and Minneapolis (see for more info).
  • Pray for the local tour organizers in each country.
  • Pray for those who will see the NLM concert this year. Pray that God will prepare them to receive the Gospel.

Response after NLM concert Response after NLM concert Response after NLM concert NLM concert Europe
International Newsletter April 2013
International Newsletter February 2013

Steiger Latinoamérica

Esperanza para la Cultura Global Juvenil