Impact Trips

International Newsletter April 2010

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

On May 9th, I will be preaching in Polaryie Zori in northwestern Russia (east of Northern Finland), a place so polluted that it has been described as hell on earth. Miku Taivaanlahja, a Steiger missionary based in Helsinki, Finland, told me that living near Chernobyl would be healthier. Download pdf

International Newsletter August 2010

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

Andrew who is 24 was brought by his girlfriend to the No Longer Music Send Off show on July 23rd in Minneapolis, USA. Shortly after the concert began he started feeling “something welling up” inside him. Download pdf

International Newsletter December 2010

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

On Saturday November 20th in Beirut, Lebanon, I did a live interview on a popular program on MTV Lebanon and millions of people saw it all over Lebanon and the Arab world. The program director told me that it reaches the educated young and trendy 15-30 year old demographic. Many I talked to in Lebanon said that war could break out again any day, which I think made it even more significant. Download pdf

International Newsletter March 2011

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

My first trip to Sumy, Ukraine was nine months ago. Sumy is not easy to get to because there is no airport in the city and your only option is a crazy 5 hour drive from Kiev. Since the fall of communism the country is almost totally controlled by organized crime. Download pdf

International Newsletter May 2011

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

We will be publicly lifting up the message of the cross in 3 cities in Northern Iraq during our upcoming European/Middle Eastern No Longer Music Evangelistic tour. This obviously will be a spiritual battle and we need your support! Download pdf

International Newsletter September 2011

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

To say that our Middle East tour was miraculous would be an understatement. Here is only one example. Download pdf

International Newsletter October 2011

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

No Longer Music was in Dohuk, Iraq - a Kurdish city near the Turkish border and less than 45 minutes from Mosul - one of the most dangerous places in all of Iraq. Download pdf

International Newsletter November 2011

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

“The Fest” on October 28-30 in Gainesville, Florida is one of the biggest punk rock festivals in America. The first one took place on May 24th and 25th of 2002 and was thought to have gone down in history as the drunkest and rowdiest time ever to be had in Gainesville and it has grown in size and reputation ever since.
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International Newsletter January 2011

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

Radek is considered to be an intellectual and leader among the radical left wing political scene in Poland. He meets with other intellectuals in a club called "Rebel" in Krakow, Poland. This is a club that he started to discuss ways to change society and how to emulate revolutionaries like Che Guevara. Download pdf

International Newsletter February 2011

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

I first met Cocke about 4 years ago when we were on tour in Chile. He was not a follower of Jesus at that time and he was playing in a well known Chilean metal band. Our band, No Longer Music, was playing in a club in Santiago and he was mixing our sound. Download pdf

International Newsletter April 2011

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

Last summer, our ministry No Longer Music played a concert in a large amphitheater in "Park Praski" near the center of Warsaw, Poland. After the concert, I invited people interested in a real relationship with Jesus to come to the torch next to the stage. Around 75 people knelt on the grass and asked Jesus into their lives, while hundreds more watched. Many wept and embraced us because they were so moved by God's presence. Download pdf

International Newsletter June 2011

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

Jennifer and Tiffany were raised by a single mother who struggled with drug and alcohol addictions. School was optional and stealing was acceptable. At age ten, the life Jennifer knew was completely turned upside down when their mother, who often had abusive relationships, was killed by her boyfriend. Jennifer and Tiffany – who had different dads – were separated. Jennifer was adopted and Tiffany went to live with her biological father. Download pdf

International Newsletter July 2011

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

We arrived at the Ukrainian/Polish border only to be told that we had to drive to another border. Robert, our polish promoter, thought that the police may have been looking for a bribe. So after an all-night drive on crazy roads we arrived at another border where we carried, by hand, all of our personal gear and band equipment in the pouring rain from the Ukrainian border to the Polish border. Download pdf

International Newsletter August 2011

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

It has been an amazing month! As I write this, we're back in Krögis, Germany after a very intense No Longer Music tour to Ukraine and Poland. In Ukraine, we had 6 concerts in 4 cities and in Poland, we had 10 concerts in 10 different cities. Download pdf

International Newsletter December 2011

Dear Friends,

2011 has been a great year at Steiger. We’ve seen God working all over the world, including Ukraine, Poland, Iraq, Turkey, Kosovo, Bulgaria, Germany, Brazil, Chile, New Zealand, Australia and the USA. By God’s power, we’ve seen hundreds respond to Christ!
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International Newsletter September 2012

David and Jodi PierceDear friends,

Polish Woodstock is one of the largest secular festivals in Europe with over 700,000 wild, out of control people in attendance. Everywhere you go, you see young people passed out on the roads from drunkenness and drugs. People die every year.

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International Newsletter October 2012

David and Jodi PierceDear friends,

This summer, our No Longer Music teams did 30 evangelistic concerts in 7 countries all over Europe and the Middle East. By God’s power, thousands of people responded to our invitation to surrender their lives to Christ, including atheists in Albania, Muslim university students in Turkey and Kosovo, young people in cities all over Poland, and alternative young people in Finland.

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International Newsletter November 2012

David and Jodi PierceDear friends,

In 1991, No Longer Music did a 32-concert “Moscow to Mongolia” tour throughout the former Soviet Union. Hundreds of people accepted Jesus on that tour, which included a follow up strategy involving NLM “Fan Clubs”. The leaders of these fan clubs were church planters who stayed behind to help nurture those who responded. You can read more about the tour in my book “Rock Priest”.

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International Newsletter January 2012

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends,

"It has become more dangerous lately", Sandro told Jodi and I as we were leaving one of our sessions at the Brazilian Steiger School. "Someone else was robbed at gun point in a parking lot used by the church just a few weeks ago." Download pdf

International Newsletter February 2012

David and Jodi PierceIt was in 2006 when a worker from Steiger International made a connection with me at the Freakstock Music Festival in Germany and prayed with me. Two years later David Pierce was preaching in my church in Brazil. After he spoke he came to me and said: “I think God wants you and your band to come to our Steiger Radical Missions School.” Download pdf

Steiger Latinoamérica

Esperanza para la Cultura Global Juvenil