Impact Trips

International Newsletter March 2012

David and Jodi PierceThis following is a report from Philip and Sari Shorey, the leaders of one of Steiger's international ministries - "The Suitcase Sideshow" - an evangelistic traveling marionette production:
“If this is for politics, let it be stopped, but if it is for God let it continue” a woman yelled but the police demanded that we shut down, despite her protests and we were forced to leave. We were in Istanbul, Turkey where there is supposed to be religious freedom.
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International Newsletter April 2012

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends
In this newsletter I have included reports from two of our young leaders and members of Steiger’s ministry “Platform”. Platform is Steiger’s association of evangelistic artists that exists to train, equip and release Christian artists/musicians as missionaries to boldly use their God-given talent and platform to bring the love of Jesus outside the church culture.
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International Newsletter May 2012

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends
“Kurdistan needs this band!” said a young Iraqi guy after our concert in Dohuk last summer. He was just one of the hundreds of university age young people who attended our NLM shows in Northern Iraq.
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International Newsletter June 2012

David and Jodi PierceDear Friends
I first met Cocke a few years ago in one of the most important clubs in Santiago, Chile. He was the lead guitarist in a well known Chilean metal band and was responsible for mixing our sound that night. The atmosphere in the club was crazy and lots of drugs and alcohol were being consumed.

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International Newsletter July 2012

David and Jodi PierceDear friends,

Below is a testimony from Aaron and Jennifer Pierce’s newsletter about a girl who gave her life to Jesus as a result of a NLM concert last summer:
“I was very touched. I was very impressed. My heart was melting. After the concert, when David made the altar call, I felt the presence of God and I RAN forward” said Ala, a young Ukrainian girl who attended a No Longer Music concert in Sumy, Ukraine last summer.

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International Newsletter August 2012

David and Jodi PierceDear friends,

Grabian, Albania was a city where enemies of the state were sent during the days of communism. A city of exile - now a forgotten place with high unemployment, violence, child abuse and alcoholism. We saw this first hand.

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International Newsletter December 2012

Luke GreenwoodThe Guarulhos boys!

In early 2011, I was sharing at "Projeto 242" - the Steiger church in São Paulo. At the end of the meeting, a group of guys (Moah, Alex, Felipe and Robson), who were clearly part of the hardcore scene, approached me to say how they had appreciated the message. "We have a band, and we want to talk about Jesus like that in our music", said Moah.

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International Newsletter September 2013

Dear Friends

Last month, Steiger Germany was responsible for one of the major stages (using our mobile stage trailer) at the Dresden City Festival which draws around 500,000 people.  We had a large tea tent set up by our stage and an art exhibition, including the story of the cross using photographic art.

International Newsletter January 2013

Dear Friends,

In the early 1980s, "Steiger" started as a bible study on a red barge behind Central Station in Amsterdam. From there, Steiger's ministry "No Longer Music" served as a catalyst for a movement of people and ministries passionate about reaching the lost. Today, Steiger has grown and developed into a true mission organisation dedicated to reaching and discipling the "secularised global youth culture" for Jesus, with 50 missionaries and ministry bases all over the world.

International Newsletter February 2013

Despite riots, black-list threats and other obstacles, God has opened the door for us to have a full-time Steiger base of operations in the center of Beirut, Lebanon. This base will not only give us the opportunity to bring the love of Jesus to Lebanon but will also serve as a sending point to reach globalized youth all over the Middle East.

International Newsletter March 2013

Dear Friends

Last year, many thousands heard the message of the cross and hundreds fell to their knees in city squares, clubs and concert halls all over Europe and the Middle East.

International Newsletter April 2013

Dear Friends

While the band was setting up, I asked for the guard's permission to talk to the prisoners who were watching us from the prison blocks surrounding the exercise yard.

International Newsletter May 2013

On May 13th, Steiger will officially release David Pierce's new book
"Revolutionary! Ten Principles That Will Empower Christian Artists To Change The World"

International Newsletter August 2013

Dear Friends

Last year, No Longer Music performed a concert in the center of the muslim city of Lushnjë, Albania. Hundreds of people responded to the Gospel that night. On July 11th and 12th of this year, we had planned to perform there again.

International Newsletter October 2013

Dear Friends

Below is a message we received through our No Longer Music website after an evangelistic concert in Fuenlabrada, Spain last month:
"Hi! My name is **** and I want to let you know that your music is awesome! And the form and the message that you act in the stage is incredible. I'm from Fuenlabrada, in Spain, and you opened my eyes to believe in Jesus. Thank you!"

International Newsletter November 2013

Dear Friends

Prisons in São Paulo, Brazil are controlled by a powerful criminal gang called the PCC or First Capital Command. Prison guards never enter the prison except when they conduct surprise raids to look for contraband. Because the gangs run the prison you need their permission and protection to go inside.

International Newsletter December 2013

Dear Friends

This month, the first episode of a 10-part TV series will be aired on a national TV station in Poland. It is a talk-show format featuring David Pierce called "Narrow Road" that was recorded in Warsaw last July. The series will be repeated multiple times until the end of August, 2014.

International Newsletter September 2014

Busra, a 20 year old muslim girl, was mesmerized by the No Longer Music show she saw in her city of Manavgat, Turkey. She was the first to raise her hand when I asked who wanted to know more about following Jesus.

International Newsletter January 2014

Dear Friends

As we look back on 2013, we are blown away by the many ways in which God moved. We are so thankful to every one of you who volunteered, prayer and/or gave sacrificially to make this a reality. What a privilege to be used by God in this way!

Below are just a few of the ministry highlights of 2013.

International Newsletter February 2014

Dear Friends

I just received the following report from David Wilson who is the director of Turkish Asian Creative Outreach and Steiger's Middle East Advisor.

Steiger Latinoamérica

Esperanza para la Cultura Global Juvenil