NLM Blog

Displaying items by tag: lukegreenwood

Monday, 28 June 2021 18:42

Waiting for a Breakthrough

As I stood under the huge bridge over the Vistula River in Warsaw, waiting for the ambulance to take the poor girl passed out on the floor, I watched the lost young guys and girls partying on, as if nothing had happened.

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Tuesday, 15 December 2020 10:22

What If This Changes Everything?

Like the rest of us, I don’t know what the future holds with the current crisis we face. We watch the worrying news unraveling day by day–how the coronavirus spreads, what decisions governments are making to try to contain it, the resulting economic hit. Our way of life is being and will continue to be changed.
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Tuesday, 10 November 2020 10:10

Feeling Restless?

We are truly curious beings. Restless actually, aren’t we? We’re not made to sit still, isolated, disinterested. We like to look for something more and ask the big questions of “why” and “how.” In fact, it’s what keeps us going - it keeps us moving forward. It’s a healthy dissatisfaction, a zest for life and what it can offer. It’s what keeps us alive, both in the most primitive and practical sense, but also in a more existential and teleological sense.
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