
Monday, 23 August 2021 19:58

Rule #6: It's Okay to Say, "I Don't Know."

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If we are humble, we can discuss anything with anyone. It doesn't matter how hostile the person or divisive the topic. Humility leads us to listen more than speak. It gives us a genuine interest in other people and a teachable spirit. Most importantly, it frees us from the burden of needing to know everything. The truth is, no one has all the answers, not even Christians.

And yet, Christians are often unwilling to discuss “hot topics" outside the Church because they are afraid of sounding stupid, so instead, they choose to say nothing at all.

I was talking to a young Ukrainian physicist. He had watched our band's performance, during which we shared the Gospel. I decided it would be a good idea to get into a deep discussion about the origins of the universe with someone who had devoted his life to this field of study.

It didn't take long before I realized that I wasn't getting anywhere. After failing to answer yet another one of his questions, I said, "To be honest, there is a lot I do not know. What I do know is that if Jesus walked the earth today, he would know and love this city; He would feed the hungry, heal the sick, and love those that society rejects."

This simple act of humility, of just saying, "I don't know," allowed me to share from my heart, and it was far more profound than my series of inept answers to his scientific questions.

Ultimately, it's not my responsibility to prove God to anyone. If He is real, then every genuine pursuit of truth will lead to Him. This should give me the confidence to humbly share what I know and leave the rest to God.

Thankfully, coming to Jesus doesn't require having all the answers. The Gospel is simple enough for anyone to understand. So the next time you are faced with a question you don't have the answers to, just say, "I don't know," and leave the rest to God.

Ben Pierce

Ben is the head of Steiger Media, Creative Director for No Longer Music, host of the weekly Provoke & Inspire podcast, and co-creator of the evangelistic Youtube channel, “IsThereMore.” Ben teaches a specialized course called Jesus in the Secular World.

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